Across the time-worn landscapes of the Middle East, where the tapestry of human civilization is rich with the genesis of faiths and the scars of incessant...
Gaza, a slender coastal enclave, continues to be the crucible where the long and arduous narrative of the Israel war is both forged and fought, its...
The soft hues of dawn that had for so long promised respite in Kfar Aza were shattered on the 7th of October, as the Israel war...
The gaunt specter of the Israel war looms once more over Gaza’s tormented lands, its skies smeared with the hues of conflict. As sirens wail, they...
Siege in Gaza: Anatomy of the Israel War In the chill of the December air, the relentless cacophony of the Israel war once again besieges the...
Two Philadelphia Schools Engaging In Racist Language: A video of unpleasant conduct sparked a disagreement amongst kids from two Philadelphia schools, revealing prejudice. While the video...
Hatboro Woman Charged After Racist Video Goes Viral: In Hatboro, Pennsylvania, a lady charged with Ethnic Intimidation and Harassment after a distressing interaction at a pizza...
Samira K. Mehta’s New Book Sheds Light On A Less Talked-about Form Of Racism: Racism has plagued society, frequently manifesting in spectacular instances that make headlines....
In the twilight hours of October 7th, the Israel war etched deeper grooves into the scarred visage of Gaza. The sirens, far from mere harbingers of...
A Deep Dive Into Tufts University Research Racism is a known stressor that harms mental and physical health. A five-year study by Tufts University academics examines...