The BLACK LIVES MATTER movement gained momentum in 2014 following the deaths of two Black men, Eric Garner and Michael Brown, at the hands of the...
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. submitted a formal statement to the city of Chicago, admitting that two banks that came before it had accepted thousands of...
Illinois Passes Legislation To Prohibit Racial Discrimination Based On Hairstyle: Illinois’ CROWN Act was a tremendous step in fighting racism and promoting diversity. Senate Bill (S.B.)...
Environmental racism disproportionately affects Black communities in the US. State pushback and legal hurdles continue to hinder environmental justice despite pledges. This page discusses environmental racism’s...
The Elections For The Runoff Position In Georgia Have A Racist Past: A deeper look at Georgia’s election system shows a history of racial prejudice ahead...
Trump’s Legal Battle: A big fight is starting in the complicated legal situation involving former President Donald Trump. Donald Trump is asking that the charges against...
Donald Trump: Former President Donald Trump is at the center of the civil fraud case that is still going on in New York. This court case...
A Closer Look At Judge Chutkan’s Recent Ruling: Judge Tanya Chutkan has firmly refused to withdraw from handling the federal election hacking case against former President...
Social Media Explosive Firestorm 2023: The court case involving former President Donald Trump and federal election interference has taken a significant turn. The case’s Special Counsel,...
Trump’s Trial: As a result of the very rough 2020 U.S. Presidential Election, former President Donald Trump was put in a tricky legal situation. This article...