Tragically, the story of Gloria Bambo, a 20-year-old woman from South Africa who lived in McKinney, Texas, became known all over the world. In the United...
Located on the desolate southeastern edge of the small, dusty border town of Del Rio, El Llanito Country Club was never much to look at. It...
After visiting the Varner-Hogg plantation an hour south of Houston, historical book publisher Michelle Haas seemed incensed by what she had seen. At an exhibit that...
The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Development awarded Baylor College of Medicine, TSU, and UTHealth Houston $2.6 million. This award will fund...
Slaton High School Faces Disturbing Threats On Tiktok: In a tiny Texas community, Slaton High School, racism claims have caused a stir. A federal lawsuit against...
The Future Of College Admissions In Texas: In a stunning decision, the U.S. Supreme Court banned race in college admissions, shaking Texas and beyond. This verdict...
Coach Mark Adams’ suspension over racism allegations is causing a stir on the Texas Tech University campus. This controversial punishment has shaken Texas Tech and the...