The BLACK LIVES MATTER movement gained momentum in 2014 following the deaths of two Black men, Eric Garner and Michael Brown, at the hands of the...
Trump’s Legal Battle: A big fight is starting in the complicated legal situation involving former President Donald Trump. Donald Trump is asking that the charges against...
Donald Trump: Former President Donald Trump is at the center of the civil fraud case that is still going on in New York. This court case...
Kenneth Chesebro’s Involvement: Attorney Kenneth Chesebro, who used to work for Donald Trump, has taken a significant step forward in the current election interference case in...
Recent research indicates that while racism may not be the prevailing form of discrimination, it exerts the most significant influence on adolescents.The lawsuit filed against a...
Utah, a western U.S. state, is known for its natural diversity and many national parks, including the popular Zion and Bryce Canyon. Utah’s capital, Salt Lake...