Background Of The “NYC Hospital Karen” Incident: A Manhattan hospital nurse, Sarah Comrie, known as “Karen” on social media, was involved in a viral Citi Bike...
Living In Hiding And Employment Struggles: Amy Cooper, known as “Central Park Karen,” lives in solitude, terrified by a video that made her famous three years...
‘Zombie Karen’ And Her Outlandish Antics Louisiana lady became the undisputed ‘Zombie Karen.’ Twitter user @sreed101 captured the unusual incident outside Mahony’s pub in Houma on...
Tiffany Gomas has seen firsthand how upheaval and controversy can catapult someone into the limelight on social media. Gomas, the ‘Crazy Plane Lady’ following her American...
Legal Developments And Plea Bargain The notorious “SoHo Karen,” Miya Ponsetto, pled guilty to a felony hate crime for falsely accusing and attacking a Black teenager...
In May 2018, a white lady named Jennifer Schulte acquired infamy as “BBQ Becky” when she called the police on a group of black people having...