Tragically, the story of Gloria Bambo, a 20-year-old woman from South Africa who lived in McKinney, Texas, became known all over the world. In the United...
Anti-Racism Movement: Education To Combat Racism And Cultural Divides Despite ethnic variations, 2023 Community Scholars for Black Lives battle systematic oppression. Gbemi Abon’s insightful study of...
California’s Reparations Initiative: A Persistent Call For Racial Justice California is leading a thorough effort to address the historical and current effects of racism on Black...
Australian Fashion Industry Racism: A Black Model’s Call For Change Race-Based Boycotts Of Melbourne Fashion Week: The recent boycott of Melbourne Fashion Week (MFW) by black...
Tasty Thai, a beloved Fresno restaurant, was forced to close after a racial reaction sparked by bogus social media charges. After a viral video wrongly accused...
Addressing Racial Stereotypes In Diverse Communities Cultural Exchange Program I halted in the middle of a varied metropolis after an unexpected comment. It was hard to...
California Governor Vetoes Caste Discrimination Bill: The complexity of discrimination laws was highlighted by California Governor Gavin Newsom’s veto of a caste discrimination bill. Newsom argued...
In the US, past racism affected many elements of society, including swim safety for Black populations. A new study illuminates African-American families’ longstanding struggles to learn...
Study Of Racism Overview A vital research study by University of Maryland professor Dr. Thu Nguyen and a team of academics from multiple universities has been...
Ai Racism: Healthcare Algorithm Biases Ai racism, especially in healthcare algorithms, has emerged. Stanford School of Medicine found that Open AI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Bard perpetuate...