A lady, now known as “Kidz Bop Karen,” became famous following a profanity-laced road rage incident on New York City’s West Side Highway. She raged at...
With Sideya Sherman as Chief Equity Officer and Linda Tigani as Chair and Executive Director of the New York City Commission on Racial Equity, Mayor Eric...
Racism’s Shadow On Popular Music: The War On Disco, The 1970s disco movement transformed music and empowered and expressed Black people. In the disco period, Black...
Jacksonville White Supremacist Assault: A gathering against white supremacy in Jacksonville’s James Weldon Johnson Park sparked tensions days after a Dollar General store shooting. The tragedy...
Jacksonville Shooting Highlights: A terrible Dollar General shooting in Jacksonville, Florida, has again placed a sharp focus on the state’s policies, notably in education, with Governor...
Parents Sue Lubbock-area Schools Over Racism: Lubbock is suffering after a series of troubling occurrences that have shown prejudice in local schools. Several episodes of racism...
Karen’s Diner’s Inappropriate Employee Comments Are Criticised Karen’s Diner, notorious for its purposeful insults, is again in the news after crossing the line with a client....
Viral Video Reveals Karen’s Racial Profiling Another “Karen” story has garnered attention after a terrible event in Los Angeles. Jordan Gipson, a Postmates delivery driver, posted...
Daniel Perry’s Troubling Statements: The freshly revealed Daniel Perry court records indicate a sickening bigotry that characterized his actions and words in the months leading up...
“Poolside Karen”: Controversial Incident Blair Featherman, known as “Poolside Karen,” was embroiled in controversy in July when a 45-second TikTok video showed her questioning a group...