United States
We Should Thank Sen. John Kennedy For This 8-Minute Clip Of Democrats Being Shamed Into Condemning Racism (And Keith Ellison)

Sheldon Whitehouse, a Democrat senator who has been at the heart of attempts to undermine the entire judicial branch it seems, asked his colleagues not to support the amendment. That prompted a response from Kennedy, who held his cool just long enough to request a moment for discussion before tearing into Sheldon’s statement. “How can you not condemn a statement calling Justice Clarence Thomas a house slave,” he asked incredulously. “Come on, folks, that’s all this amendment does! I mean, does anybody here support that kind of rhetoric? I don’t. I don’t think you do.” But he added, “And this kind of rhetoric hasn’t been directed toward John Roberts. It hasn’t been directed toward Neil Gorsuch. It’s been directed toward Clarence Thomas. And it’s un-American. It’s unconscionable. And I can’t believe we wouldn’t condemn it.” Whitehouse again played lawyer, saying his disagreement was with the amendment also asking the Biden administration to enforce the law when it comes to attempts to intimidate judges and justices.You either condemn the racist attacks on Justice Clarence Thomas, or you don’t.
After a long discussion today, my Democrat colleagues on the Judiciary Committee finally agreed to condemn the disgusting racism that many have aimed at Justice Thomas. pic.twitter.com/tBptrybb0q — John Kennedy (@SenJohnKennedy) July 20, 2023

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