June 19, 1866, also known as Juneteenth, was a momentous day in American history. On this day, Union General Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston, Texas, and...
Martin, a black teenager, was returning from the convenience store when neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman saw him. Zimmerman called the Sanford Police Department’s nonemergency line...
February 24, 1865, marks a significant day in the history of the United States, particularly with regard to the issue of slavery. On this day, the...
February 24, 1865, marks a significant day in the history of the United States, particularly with regard to the issue of slavery. On this day, the...
In February of 1886, a group of white residents in Idaho organized an anti-Chinese convention in the town of Boise. At the time, the Chinese population...
The Orangeburg Massacre was a tragic event that occurred on February 8, 1968, in Orangeburg, South Carolina. It was a violent clash between law enforcement officers...
Washington DC is the capital of the United States and is located on the East Coast of the country. The city has a population of over...
Wyoming is a western U.S. state known for its beautiful landscapes and outdoor recreational opportunities. Located in the Rocky Mountains, Wyoming is home to Yellowstone National...
Wisconsin is a state located in the Midwest region of the United States. It is known for its rolling hills, forests, lakes, and rivers, and it...
West Virginia is a state located in the Appalachian region of the Eastern United States. It is known for its beautiful natural scenery, including the Blue...