Karen’s Shocking Experience: A troubling event at Fresh Kitchen in Manhattan had a white guy, subsequently identified as Aaron Schlossberg, ranting at Spanish-speaking staff. The footage...
Meltdown In Fiesta Supermarket Unmasked Supermarket Karen: A woman’s unwillingness to wear a mask at a Dallas Fiesta supermarket on West Illinois Avenue caused a public...
Viral Video: ‘black Karen’ Protests Tea Shop Cultural Plunder A controversial video from three years ago starring Ethiopian lady Alewia Tola Roba has sparked new social...
Unsettling TikTok Karen’s footage showed a Black guy confronting a white lady called “Karen” for her abusive conduct with a delivery worker. The encounter escalated, revealing...
The Karen Confrontation At The Pool: A Public Shaming Spectacle A viral video posted by Instagram user Art Kaligos (@artkaligos) depicted a gathering of angry white...
The Parking Space Standoff A typical day in Mooloolaba, Sunshine Coast, became a viral Car Park Karen on TikTok when a teenager, Marli McLaren, fought a...
Social media users are discussing a Lucha Libre Taco Shop Karen incident in Middletown, San Diego. Video of a woman’s fight with a restaurant staff, known...
The removed TikTok video, “Racist Karen gets pummeled,” depicted a Days Inn lobby tragedy. The protagonist, “Karen,” battled @anastejiah on TikTok. Karen’s discriminatory accusations that @anastejiah...
You’re Not Equal! The Stupidity Of Karen’s Arguments One recent viral video of You’re Not Equal! Karens fighting unsuspecting people shows the craziness that frequently occurs....
A famous TikTok video introduced homeowner Tayler Bishop to “Neighborhood Karen.” The dispute? Tigger-themed “Winnie the Pooh” flag. Tayler Bishop, aka @tizzybizzy92, posted the video on...