Letters for Nov. 8: Bruce Thompson wins bids because he is ‘proven and successful’

Not racism
Re “NFL Hall of Famer Bruce Smith says Rudee Loop proposals raise questions of cronyism, ‘backroom deals’ in Virginia Beach” (Oct. 25): Bruce Smith took his racism and cronyism complaints to local news recently. It was first reported by The Virginian-Pilot and now local TV. However, we cannot continue to blame racism when you do not get your way.
Smith was a great a football player, but does he have the qualifications to be a top-tier developer? Bruce Thompson, for all the people who complain about him, has transformed the Oceanfront into a first-class East Coast beach destination. Imagine the Oceanfront without The Cavalier Hotel, the new Marriott, the 31st Street Hilton, Embassy Suites, OceanAire and the great restaurants he has developed. A result of Thompson his competitors have “raised the bar” by building new upscale brand hotels (Hyatt, DoubleTree) on the Oceanfront.
I understand Smith’s frustration, however, when you compete with proven and successful developers such as Thompson, you better be prepared. That is not racism or cronyism.
George Merritt, Virginia Beach
Child Tax Credit
When at a trampoline park with my 5-year-old, I was amazed by the jump in confidence I saw in him. It wasn’t just the physical improvement, it was the way he carried himself. Without a question, a big part of this advancement was due to the gymnastics class we were able to enroll him in using money from the Child Tax Credit. We were fortunate that we could cover their basic needs and a gymnastics class. Gymnastics may seem like a fun but unnecessary expenditure, but no family should have to stop at providing just basic needs. When you see your child drawn to an activity or have a natural aptitude, the hope is that you can foster and grow those gifts.
These are the types of lost opportunities when we can’t elevate our children. Education and caretaking for our next generation is the best return on investment you could ask for. Once the Child Tax Credit ended nearly a year ago, we discontinued the extra expenses and maintained a working family budget. These are the types of decisions all parents must make with their children. No one wants to see a gift in their child only to be unable to support their potential. We all want our kids to have the best chance possible. We all want them to be better than we are. And we all benefit when that happens.
We ask Congress to reestablish these monthly payments for our community and to invest in the generation of tomorrow.
Nicholas Borelli, Yorktown
Assisted suicide
Re “Oppose assisted suicide legislation in Virginia” (Other Views, Oct. 22): Bill Fertig’s guest column takes the position that the proposed legislation to legally provide for assisted suicide in Virginia should not be made law. I applaud his struggle with his infirmity after a tragic motorcycle accident. He has undergone extensive rehabilitation and continues to advocate for those suffering from spinal cord injuries. He relates a case of a man who suffered severe spinal cord injury after a swimming accident. This patient was able to express his desire to live despite a poor prognosis and did in fact survive and was able to go home to his family.
The bill under consideration does not apply in those cases. It would require, first, that a patient would have a grave prognosis, from which the prospects would include suffering; second, that a patient did not wish to prolong his or her suffering; third, that a providing physician would certify that the patient was able to make this decision; fourth, that other physicians would have to agree; fifth, that the patient could rescind his or her decision at any time.
I am a small animal veterinarian. I relieve animal suffering as part of my calling. It is not something I like to do, but for those that truly suffer it is an act of the highest kindness.
Please read the bill and see what it does cover. It does not apply to people who are simply depressed. No physician would allow a suicide for someone who is in a wheelchair despite the depression this may cause. There is life to live for those patients, and their lives should be treasured.
Deborah Scarborough, Virginia Beach
Peaceful death
Re “Medical aid in dying would give choices to the terminally ill” (Other Views, Oct. 25): I want to publicly thank Julie Landversicht Hastings for accurately communicating what medical aid in dying is and is not. Obviously, Bill Fertig’s opposing view published earlier contained much misinformation. Her dad’s story is a tragedy occurring every day somewhere here in Virginia.
When the Virginia General Assembly convenes in January, your legislators may have an opportunity to vote for Virginia to become the 11th state to enact a medical aid-in-dying law. If you want people like Hastings’ dad to have a choice to die peacefully, contact your state senator and delegate now. If you have a story to tell, please share it.
Dawn Kinard, Newport News

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