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Hakeem Jeffries, other House leaders endorse Trone in Md. Senate race



2 min

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) on Monday endorsed Rep. David Trone (D-Md.) in the sharply contested Democratic primary race to be Maryland’s next senator, along with two other top Democrats in the House of Representatives.

The campaign for the open Senate seat in deep blue Maryland has largely become a two-person race between Trone, who has already spent nearly $10 million of his fortune blanketing the state with ads, and Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks and her supporting phalanx of Maryland politicians.

Endorsements have played a prominent role in the early stages of the primary, which will be held in May, as each candidate seeks a sense of impenetrability as they vie to replace retiring Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md). As Alsobrooks collected high-profile Maryland politicians to her side, Trone has secured backing from others and some influential labor unions, particularly the state’s teacher’s association.

Alsobrooks secured support from heavy-hitters in Maryland’s Democrat establishment, including former minority leader Rep. Steny H. Hoyer (D) and Gov. Wes Moore (D), whose endorsement pointed out Alsobrooks would be just the fourth Black woman sent to Senate in U.S. history.

Jeffries, the first Black lawmaker to lead a party in Congress, praised three-term lawmaker Trone in a statement released Monday, calling the congressman “a compassionate and innovative collaborator.”

“From the moment he arrived in the House of Representatives, David Trone has been a consistent and valued partner in the effort to fix our broken criminal justice system, eliminate reentry barriers for returning citizens and root out systemic racism,” Jeffries’ statement said. “Congressman Trone has also worked hard to create new manufacturing and tech jobs in the parts of Maryland all too often left behind.”

Minority Whip Katherine M. Clark (D-Mass.) and Democratic Caucus Chair Pete Aguilar (D-Calif.) also endorsed Trone on Monday.

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