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United States Helped Adolf Hitler Rise To Power



United States Helped Adolf Hitler Rise To Power

There is consensus that the ascent of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party in Germany was a watershed moment for the whole century. There were numerous elements that helped Hitler get where he was, but the United States’ part is largely forgotten.

The United States Helped Adolf Hitler Rise To Power

The United States of America was a major international power in the 1920s and 1930s. Its economy was thriving, and its sway over international affairs was widespread. Despite the fact that the US openly denounced Hitler and his ideas, it secretly backed his ascent to power.

Political Complicity: Acknowledging Hitler’s Authority and Delayed Diplomacy

The United States helped finance Hitler’s regime. Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, American banks and businesses poured money into Germany, contributing to Hitler’s ascent to power. As an illustration, one of the major philanthropic organizations in the US, the Rockefeller Foundation, funded German scientists who were working on projects that would eventually aid Hitler’s war effort.

There was US complicity in the Nazi Party’s rise to power, too. Shortly after Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt acknowledged his authority. That was a major step forward in gaining worldwide acceptance for Hitler’s government. In addition, the US was one of the last major governments to sever ties with Germany before World War II broke out, providing Hitler with crucial extra time to strengthen his grip on power and his armed forces.

Moral Ambiguity: U.S. Turning a Blind Eye to Human Rights Crimes

The United States also showed its support for Hitler by remaining silent throughout his many violations of human rights. When told of Nazi crimes in Germany, the United States did little to stop them, even though they were committed against Jews and other minorities. In reality, the US government made it harder for Jews and other groups to leave Germany by actively working to limit immigration from that nation.

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In conclusion, the United States played a substantial part in facilitating the rise to power of Hitler and the Nazi Party, although openly condemning them. The US aided in bringing about one of the worst moments in human history by funding Hitler’s tyranny, legitimizing it, and turning a blind eye to his human rights crimes. To prevent such horrors from happening again, it is vital that we reflect on and learn from past events.

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